Next, we got cameron his first tricycle. It's very cheap, (price and quality) but it was rated by consumers as being the best among all other reasonably priced trikes out there. He really struggled the first day to reach the pedals and get going by himself. But by the second day, he started to get the hang of it! It'll still be a while before he grasps the steering part, but in the meantime, he just picks it up and moves it wherever he wants!
I've starting doing water aerobics once a week. I'm hoping to do it at least twice a week, but we'll see. I love it. It's really the only exercise option I have when I'm pregnant. All other forms of exercising cause my heart rate to be extremely high. (again, only when I'm pregnant) But doing water aerobics has been great. I've never had a problem with it in either pregnancy. This class is much harder than my prenatal water aerobics class I took with Cameron. I love this one so much more! It is a real workout, and I can actually feel my muscles working. I do the modified versions of exercises that work my abs (not recommended while pregnant) and I try and do the harder version for everything else. Another woman in my class commented on how I was making a certain move more difficult than it needed to be. I told her, 'Well, I figure I might as well push myself, or what's the point of being here?' I really wonder about people that workout halfheartedly. It's better than nothing, I agree. But if people would just push themselves, instead of giving up the second they feel their muscles working, that's when the real magic begins! That's when the toning happens. That's when the fat is burned. I could go on forever, but I'll stop there. I LOVE EXERCISE!
Amen sista! Glad you're feeling better! I can't wait to get Gwen a tricycle!!! Oh...and I love the truck!
I love trikes...I want a big girl trike.
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