Tuesday, March 11, 2008

"Toot! Toot!"

That, ladies and gentlemen, is me: tooting my own horn. Yes, I know it seems a bit egotistical of me to do this, but under the circumstances, I don't care. Ehem... It all started on Sunday when we decided to watch one of our favorite Sunday movies. Cheaper by the dozen 2. A certain character named 'Eliot Murtaugh' (that adorable boy who dates Sarah) appears and I must admit I was surprised I forgot about how BEAUTIFUL this boy is. (granted he is about 13 in the movie- so NO I'm not a child stalker!) All of a sudden, it hits me! THIS IS JACOB! I am staring at JACOB BLACK! I nudge Tyler and declare, 'OH MY GOSH! If they could find someone who looks EXACTLY like that, just older, he would be the PERFECT Jacob!' As with any other (of the many) times I talk about Twilight, Tyler simply smiles and nods. Well, well! I get a phone call today from my friend who tells me that they have cast Jacob. All I can think is, 'well it's about FREAKING time!' (I've only been checking multiple times a day on the website!) I run (and I do mean RUN) downstairs to look online. And who do you think I would see as I scrolled down the page?

That's right. Mister 'Eliot Murtaugh' himself. Er, I mean, Taylor Lautner. Pretty amazing, right?! Okay, I'll stop bragging now! I just gotta say how excited I am for the movie! Now. Not before. Only after discovering who Jacob will be. As some of you may know, I am a Jacob fan. I thought Edward was great and all in Twilight. And after that? Well, I think it's ALL about Jacob! I actually forgot about Edward in New moon. When he wasn't being mentioned, I honestly wasn't thinking about him at all. I didn't miss him. I didn't think how if he came back Bella would be alright. Nothing. All I could think was, 'i... Love.... JACOB!' Obviously I haven't been excited about the movie because Robert Pattinson is just not Edward. But now, at least with one character being accurately portrayed (in my opinion at least!), let's get on with the show! Oh and as my friend Tammy put it, 'I can just picture him saying, "Sure.. Sure.." with that big smile!' Tammy? You couldn't be more right. Oh and for all you Twilight fans, this site has some different pictures than others. I gotta say, if they can make Emmett look like he does on this site? I've just found one more cast member that fits the part. Let's hope they can pull this off!!!!


Anonymous said...

Wish I looked like Jacob....sniffle, sniffle

Rob and Tiff said...

You're amazing. I absolutely love how in tune you are with your characters. I haven't read the books yet, although I've been told by many that I should, but now I think I'm really looking forward to it if I get to imagine that guy through out the whole book. :-)

Rob and Tiff said...

Oh, and Tyler... I think it's safe to say Jamy wont trade you in, even if you don't look like Jacob.

Jamy said...

Yes, thank you Tiffany! Tyler: "Go back to Wisteria Lane, you major drama King!" hehehe (gilmore girls) Just kidding babe! I love you!!! (And no, I don't wish you looked like Jacob!)

melissa ( : said...

Love it love it love it! Thanks for talking tonight and for the update on the cast... I'm happy they found a Jacob. He looks young to me... but I guess he is 16 years old. Love ya!

raising4boys said...

That's awesome that you called it! (I haven't read the books) There are a few actors that I have the hots for and Randy just says. "You'll like this movie, it has you boyfriend in it" so he eggs me on!! A girls gotta dream :)

Amy said...

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! It restored my hope for this movie too!!! I thought Emmett looked awesome! And James...wow! They better work on Edward!

And yes...Jacob is perfect.

Lizzie said...

Reading this was Lizzie reward for working all night on some rather boring and intense homework but she decided it was worth it looking at Jabob. Lizzie is a MAJOR Jacob fan she would love a Team Jabob shirt.
way to go on the prediction and thank you so much for the post

Anonymous said...

Hmm he's kind of a pretty boy isn't he? LOL :) I'm sure they'll rough him up a bit to be Jacob!

We did have a great time this weekend! Jet is still sick (ARG) and I'm hoping he gets better soon. Thanks for your help while we were gone!!!!

Talk soon I'm sure!! :)